Medical Treatments...
Below are our articles on the subject of Medical Treatments. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
ADHD and Methylphenidate or Ritalin
Methylphenidate is a medication used to treat ADHD symptoms and is available under lots of brand names, such as Ritalin. Getting the dosage right is important, but how…...
ADHD Research
What is the current state of ADHD research? This article looks at what we know as a result of medical research, and what questions remain to be answered....
ADHD Treatment Plans
Knowing what therapies are available to children with a diagnosis of ADHD can help parents to push for an appropriate treatment plan. Knowledge is power....
ADHD Treatments
Once ADHD has been diagnosed, there are a range of drug treatments and medications that may be offered as part of ADHD therapy. This article reviews drug treatment…...
Advantages and Disadvantages of ADHD Treatments
What are the treatment options available to parents with an ADHD child? What are the risks and benefits? This article gives a brief overview of the therapy options…...
Psychotherapy and ADHD
What is psychotherapy and why does the psychologist want parents and teachers to go through behavioural counselling and training for their child's ADHD? Your questions…...
The Future of ADHD Treatment and Management
Is ADHD always destined to be treated and managed by drugs? Not necessarily. This article looks at the promise of new sciences and technologies for the drug free…...
Using Neurofeedback to Treat ADHD
Results of previous neurofeedback studies on ADHD have been mixed. But a new one shows it is a very effective treatment for ADHD....