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ADHD and the Da Vinci Method

By: Julia Pendower - Updated: 14 Dec 2015 | comments*Discuss
Adhd And The Da Vinci Method

The Da Vinci Method is holistic therapy approach to coping with ADHD or attention deficit disorder, and is presented in a book written by Garret LoPorto. In his book, LoPorto summarises considerable volumes of research that indicates that people with ADHD are simply genetically characterised to make them better hunters.

These traits mean that individuals with ADHD are more likely to be risk takers and have high energy levels and a high degree of restlessness. With these traits, ADHD individuals are also more likely to have a high degree of resilience in the face of failures, and develop an unusual ability to take in large amounts of disparate information; all of these traits would have equipped early man to be better hunters and increase their chances of survival.

In summary, the Da Vinci method provides a way of approaching ADHD or attention deficit disorder by 'standing the problem on its head' and taking an entirely different viewpoint of ADHD and its causes.

A Different Method of Brain Function

The logic behind the Da Vinci approach to ADHD is simply this:

ADHD is not a disorder or deficit, but simply represents a different manner of brain operation that is found in the brightest and most successful entrepreneurs and creative individuals that mankind has ever known. Leonardo Da Vinci most certainly demonstrated many of the ADHD spectrum of behaviours, and it is from this most famous of individuals that this therapy approach takes its name. In 67 years, Da Vinci was only able to complete 17 of his paintings; he stated that this was because his interests were so varied and diverse. Einstein did not excel at school, and his achievements there were entirely unremarkable, and yet, both of these individuals became some of the greatest thinkers and achievers in the history of humanity.

Channel Energies Rather Than Normalise

As opposed to a view that people with ADHD cannot concentrate, it is proposed they instead notice everything. The Da Vinci method argues that rather than blunt a child's hyperactivity because of the burden it places on both parents and teachers in their efforts to make a child conform to the norms of society, their energies should instead be focused and channelled to maximise that individuals potential for brilliance. In particular, the method hypothesises that children with ADHD need a different teaching approach to 'normal children. Children with ADHD need a focus on experiential learning rather than using set text book methodologies to solve problems. This can allow ADHD children to develop their innate skills of unusual methodologies to solve problems, and yet still reach the 'right' answers.

Success Strategies for Adults

It is well known that ADHD is a largely hereditary condition, and that there are probably a number of genes involved. However, one particular gene has been identified that has a high prevalence in successful entrepreneurs and creative or highly successful people who have a capability to 'think outside the box'.

The Da Vinci Method is designed to help people with ADHD work to the inherent strengths that their condition gives them, whist minimising the weaknesses associated with ADHD. This treatment regimen gives up on the idea of trying to make people with ADHD behave 'normally'.

Turning Disadvantages into Advantages

For adults, the Da Vinci method examines the working and living habits of successful individuals who exhibit ADHD traits; the principle of this approach is that people can learn strategies that will work for an ADHD sufferer but would not work for 'normal' people. The method also provides coping strategies to deal a range of common traits that are expressed in ADHD.

Examples include the adult trait of 'fear of success', and the Da Vinci Method provides a framework by which adults can understand the unique ways in which their mind works. The Da Vinci method also examines why ADD sufferers may be subject to procrastination, and provides insights into how ADHD adults can harness an ability to gain great focus, termed 'hyperfocus' to complete a task in hand. Additionally, the method provides insights into why people with ADHD may be more prone to compulsive behaviours and addiction problems, and by doing so, helps sufferers regain control of their lives.

Whilst this holistic therapy is its infancy, the Da Vinci Method summarises a host of research and educational theories that expert scientists, educators and psychologists have been proposing since the 1990's. This therapeutic approach is worth investigation by any adult ADHD sufferer or parent of an ADHD child, and it provides a wholly novel way of thinking about and coping with the problems of attention deficit disorder.

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I read this topic, and I liked it very much, but I was woundering why would you want to get rid of the ADHD. It inihanses peoples senes in diffrent ways I have ADHD myself.I'm 13 yeaes old and I can do alot of stuff that one oof youe topics said people with ADHD. Mostly people with ADHD will be better survive in the long run people without ADHD will go in to a panic and not think about there actions , but on the other hand ADHD people will think and know what to do to survive.
Baileylillis - 14-Dec-15 @ 4:27 PM
LOve your site I'm an adult that was told about my ADD in college and I've been fighting it ever since. I'm interestied in your program Because I'm a Spiritual Holistic person. I have been directed to one day have a center for children who are problemtic due to their natural gifts that are hindered by their Attention span. I believe alot of your children could lavite objects w. energy manipulation. For me I have an abundbance of engery and I have had to finds ways to ellviate the side effects of build up. I would like to start a dialoue w/ one of you counsilor's so that I may carry out this vision. Thank you and have a blessed day. Ginger.
Ginger - 25-Jan-12 @ 3:40 PM
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